

Ben Benslow

Belle, Bonne- Baude Cordier

Festive Instrumental Medley

Sirinu tour programmes have included:

`hevenish melodye of songes, full of armonye’ Chaucher’s Trecento Travels.  Guillaume de Machaut, Geoffrey Chaucer and Oswald von Wolkenstein – poets and composers of the long fourteenth century.

The Escape of Lovell the Dogge’ – English and Burgundian Music from the time of the Yorkists

The Cradle of the Renaissance’ – Italian music from the time of Leonardo da Vinci

All Goodly Sport’ – Spanish, French and English music from the court of Henry Vlll

`Tunes for Troubled Times’ – music from the English Civil War.

The Frozen Jewel of Potosi’ – Spanish and Andean music

`Sounding Space’ – Musical views of Space

`The Lord of Misrule’ – A fifteenth century Christmas

Christmas music from the Tudor period performed on harp, lute, gittern, portative organ, flute, and voices.

Christmas and the Lord of Misrule